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Monday, January 31, 2011

Common sense

       During the weekend one of my close friends from my old school found a blog that had a list of enemies. On the list he found me and all my friends from my old school along with some other people from that school (I was absolutely horrified). I don't remember doing anything bad to anyone there but my fellows and I must have done something pretty despicable to have ended up having someone post something on the Internet about us. Luckily my good friends that remained at that school are bit by bit trying to un-mask the list maker.We have not reported the blog YET. No need for comments on this post. So this unfortunate event reminded me to remind you of the rules of the blog. The rules are based on common sense I only have  rules
  1. No swearing
  2. No posting anything inappropriate of harmful to anyone
  3. No posting comments like aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa or bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb or xcvxcvbhgfdxcvbnhgfvbcygbfnxyhndxhmshnmvcxbndszgbndgszbn.
Thank you for reading :)
